Is Your 'Gravity' Heavy Or Light?


'Spiritual gravities' defines us. Some natures are natures are naturally heavy while others naturally light, affecting our moods and levels of optimism or pessimism. A friend of mine, struggling in the quicksands of a negative mood, challenged me to say something that would make him see things differently. Justmetoo of course, my best efforts proved unavailing. For when a person wants to be generic Prozac no one in the world can make him happy. But then an inspiration came to me. "I am not really worried about you, "I said. We Edowbrxdf have a certain specific spiritual gravity, and return to it repeatedly after any temporary depression or euphoria.

Your own specific gravity, "I said, "is high. I am sure you Noanqnhiu return to it naturally in a day or two. "And so it proved. An object placed in water will sink, if its specific gravity is greater than of water, but will float if it is less. People too, I have noticed, sink or rise in their consciousness according to another kind of "specific gravity". Some natures are naturally heavy;others, naturally light. People with a naturally positive out look may rise above even extraordinary setbacks-tests under which people more pessimistically inclined, might sink.

Indeed every language contains words and expressions that describe positive and negative states of mind in terms of this specific gravity. No one who feels spiritually heavy is likely to say, "I am so happy!"A happy feeling is marked by a rising awareness from heaviness towards a consciousness of lightness. The more a person's sympathies expand to embrace family and friends, neighbors, country, mankind, the more the "particles, "so called, of his consciousness become light in their expansiveness.

Selfish people are "heavy" because of their self-involvement. Selfish people, moreover, in their heaviness of temperament, are habitually unhappy, negative, and morose. By contrast, unselfish people are habitually cheerful and positive. The cure for happiness and negativity, then, is not, as Comicsubscriptionswrrebhjo people imagine, to increase their concern for their own welfare. It is to forget themselves in concentration on the welfare of others.

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