Want consolidating student loan know a really good way to waste money on B2B marketing? Thats simple. Just ignore your prospects that arent ready to purchase however. that is guaranteed to cost you 80% or more of your best opportunities.
And however, B2B marketers do it all the time.
These companies spend all of their marketing dollars on demand generation getting prospects to express some interest in their product or service and then they toss them to the Marketing team.
The problem.
The problem is that most prospects 80% or more - are not ready to talk to a Marketing person when they first contact a business. Research shows us that 90% of them will purchase within the next 12 months. But most of them will end up buying from a different business for the simple reason that they were ignored.
There are all kinds of reasons prospects arent ready to purchase when they first contact you. Maybe theyve just started looking. Maybe they dont have the budget however. Maybe theyre not convinced they have a problem. Maybe theyre going on vacation next month and dont want to get anything started before they leave. Who knows?
Regardless of the reason, you cannot send them to your Marketing team, you dont want them to forget about you, and they probably need a little educating.
So, what do you do? The answer is actually pretty simple.
Establish a sequence of communications.
You arrange to communicate with them regularly. Reach out and touch them often enough so they dont forget about you, but not so often that you annoy them. For most of our clients, the simplest way to do that is via email. If youre wondering how that can possibly be remortgage home given the dreadful state of email overload were all experiencing, there are a few rules you must follow. Interestingly, these rules apply to loan consolidation student form of communication not just to email.
In some businesses, letters or postcards or even phone calls may be more effective than email. The overall concept is still the same. You have the prospects contact information. Use it to do good things both for the prospect and for you.
Tatum Marketing 2007
Susan Tatum, co-founder of www.TatumMarketing.comwww.TatumMarketing.com, is a recognized expert in business-to-business marketing. She has been helping companies achieve greater marketing results for more than two decades. She regularly publishes B2B marketing strategies and actionable tips on her blog at www.SusanTatum.comwww.SusanTatum.com For a limited time, you can get a complementary copy of her latest executive report 5 Fundamental Strategies of B2B Marketing by visiting www.TatumMarketing.com/b2bsuccesswww.TatumMarketing.com/b2bsuccess
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